Fuegian Snipe

Due to the great interest that the observations of the enigmatic Greater Snipe (Gallinago stricklandii) have aroused, we have designed an exclusive program focused on its search on Carlos III Island.

  • Meeting Point

    Punta Arenas

  • Duration

    5 days / 4 nights

  • Group size

    6 - 10 passengers

  • Price

    USD 3050

Due to the great interest that the observations of the enigmatic have aroused Fuegian Snipe, we have designed a program focused on your search.

Several records of the bird they have occurred in the vicinity of Whalesound Campground at various times of the year, so we will tour the area at different times at dawn, during the day, and at dusk during the twilight hours.

Whalesound has been camping for 20 years in Carlos III Island, time that our team has been able to observe and recognize different species. The ecosystem of fjords and channels is very rich in biodiversity, home to several endemic species of Patagonian flora and fauna. We have designed this 5-day program to have the best chances of observing the Fuegian Snipe, since the climate factor is very changeable and variable in these latitudes. With a lot of wind or rain it can be difficult to observe, due to the fact that in the area there are many days with these climatic characteristics, we propose several days in the camp for its correct observation and records.

If we fulfill the objective of observing the Fuegian Snipe we embark to visit other places in the vicinity of the Francisco Coloane Marine Park, such as visiting colonies of sea lions and fur seals, cormorants, penguins and glaciers between the fjords, and Patagonian channels and glaciers.


* If you want to listen to the first sound recording of the Fuegian Snipe, we invite you to listen to it at the following link:

https://laderasur.com/article/the-search-that-got-the-first-record-sound-of-the-mysterious-large woodcock-in-the-region-of-magellan/

Main attractions:

  • Fuegian Snipe

  • Observation of marine mammals and birds

  • Visit Francisco Coloane Marine Park

  • Visit Kawesqar National Park and Reserve

Searching for the enigmatic Fuegian Snipe on Carlos III Island

During the early hours of the morning, passengers will be picked up at their respective accommodations to go together to the embarkation point, Punta Carrera.

The navigation to the Eco Camp is approximately 8 hours, we will arrive in the afternoon, where we will have the last hours of daylight to get to know the environment of the elusive bird we are looking for.

At first light we will hike around the island to the wetlands identified by our team. We will have lunch at the camp and then go on another excursion during the afternoon.

During the third and fourth day we will continue our search for the Fuegian Snipe. If the main objective is achieved and the group agrees to go to observe other species, we will embark and tour the surroundings of the Francisco Coloane Marine Park and Kawesqar National Park, where we will be able to observe colonies of Magellanic Penguin, Imperial Cormorant, Rock Cormorant, Magellanic Cormorant, besides looking for more scarce and emblematic species, such as the Striated Caracara, Magellanic Diving-Petrel, Wilson's Storm-Petrel, and the common Black-browed Albatross, Southern Giant Petrel, Southern Giant-Petrel, Chilean Skua, among others. In addition to some marine mammals that frequent the area, such as Humpback Whale, Southern Dolphin, Common Sea Lion and Southern Fur Seal.

After a good breakfast and a small observation on land or from the boat, we will return to the city of Punta Arenas, arriving there at mid-afternoon approximately.

Interested in this route?


Base of Operations

WHALESOUND has a camp on Carlos III Island, in the middle of the Strait of Magellan, right in front of the Francisco Coloane Marine Park 

The camp has 5 domes that allow the overnight stay of up to 10 passengers and a main dome of common space, where we will share scientific talks, conversations of the day's experiences, where we will eat and also where you will find bibliography of the regional history and about the nature of the fjords and channels.

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