We invite you to discover the Patagonian fjords and fire channels with us.
We have been operating tourist routes for over 20 years and conducting research in this territory with our collaborators for almost 30 years. We seek to generate a deep connection between our passengers and the territory they visit through respectful observations and interactions.

At the southern tip of Western Patagonia, the American continent transforms into a network of islands, fjords and channels that shape the southern archipelago. In these lands, for centuries and even today, people have faced to the challenge imposed by the elements. This phenomenon is extensively described by the Chilean writer Francisco Coloane.
This combination of pristine, rugged and inaccessible environments has increased the interest in being visited.
We propose a respectful approach, which requires time to contemplate and navigate many nautical miles through fjords and channels.

The Patagonia It is one of the most renowned places on the planet, its ecosystems and the wildlife that can be observed seem intact compared to other corners of the world. The most accessible area, from the pampas, has become very popular and visited, but the intricate fjords and channels They must be known by sailing and therefore are less accessible and few get here.
We invite you to discover these cold waters that are full of life. In this part of the planet, the marine world is much more diverse than that which inhabits the land and therefore the food base of most species is linked to the sea.
Between ice fields and mountains there are countless natural anchorages that allow you to appreciate the fauna and landscapes in peace, but on the other hand the sea is an area where strong winds predominate and it means that to inhabit these places one must adapt with great effort.